to the
Better Healthcare Technology Foundation
The ACPSEM Foundation Limited, trading as the Better Healthcare Technology Foundation, is the registered charity of the Australasian College of Physical Scientists & Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM). Donations within Australia made to the Better Healthcare Technology Foundation are tax deductible.
Regional scope of Foundation
The Foundation aims to support technology initiatives in medicine that lead to a better outcome of patient care. We are focused on supporting innovations in both diagnostic and therapeutic techniques that directly benefit patients in Australian, New Zealand and Asian-Pacific hospitals.
Cancer care and methods of diagnostic imaging are major areas of current activity, but as we grow in capability, we will seek to expand our focus to other emerging clinical research and development areas that utilise physics, science, and engineering advances in medicine.
We also undertake direct support work to facilitate greater access to the benefits of technology in medicine through our charitable training, mentoring, and support initiatives in hospital and treatment centres across Australia, New Zealand, and the Asia Pacific region. We do this through local patient support initiatives in ANZ.
Our work across the Asia-Pacific training and upskilling their local radiation oncology medical physicists through our Asia-Pacific Special Interest Group (APSIG) is active despite CoVID. For APSIG inquiries, contact: apsig@acpsem.org.au.
Scope of BHTF Website Journal
What we do
Through betterhealthcaretechnology.org, the BHTF Website Journal offers a platform for community information, professional collaboration, and knowledge-sharing on current and emerging techniques in physics, engineering, and sciences in medicine. It aims to provide an open, efficient, and accessible information pipeline from those working in the medical sciences profession to the community, our patients, and their families.
What the website journal does:
- The website is designed to complement the research journals.
- Articles are written by invited physicists, engineers or other associated scientists who are considered specialists in the healthcare technology field and written in plain English.
- Editorial board members act as reviewers of grammar, scientific errors and as critics of writing that is not in plain-English.
Improving academic and practical skills and learning to provide plain-English articles are important benefits for health professionals employed in the workforce.
What does the website journal not do:
- The website journal does not have articles reporting on novel research such as would be submitted to fully peered journals; and
- is not acting in opposition to journal publications; and
- the Foundation does not intend to appoint scientific reviewers, except that:
- editorial board members will act as reviewers of grammar, scientific errors and as critics of writing that is not in plain-English.
- editorial board members will act as reviewers of grammar, scientific errors and as critics of writing that is not in plain-English.
Mission and Values
The Foundation’s official strategic plan is to:
- promote research and development in the medical physics, engineering and associated sciences.
- promote safe and appropriate use of medical technology.
The four pillars:
- promote research and development in Australia and New Zealand;
- Support training and education initiatives in low to middle income countries;
- Facilitate knowledge exchange with other health professionals and the community; and
- Undertake other charitable activities that align with the objects of the Foundation.
Vision: Access to better healthcare technology for everyone
Publicly, the Foundation explains its aims as:
The ACPSEM Foundation Ltd (trading as Better Healthcare Technology Foundation) aims to support research and development initiatives in physics, engineering and associated sciences in medicine that maximises the potential of new or existing technology to provide higher quality, safe healthcare techniques and better outcomes for patients and their communities.
Our Vision for 'Tomorrow's Technology Today'
Developing tomorrow’s techniques today is driving the pace of research in physics, engineering and other sciences for better healthcare technology. As computer powered medical equipment becomes smaller, faster and smarter, innovative medical technology will make medical practice more effective for patients and more economical for the healthcare system.
Our aim is to share the knowledge, understanding and access of these technological advances to the profession and the community. It's to maximise the potential of new technologies and provide better treatment and diagnostic outcomes for as many people throughout our region as possible.
How We Operate
The Better Healthcare Technology Foundation aims to engage and connect the general public with health professionals and medical experts through this website and our community initiatives.
We support all medical innovation initiatives utilising new technology that lead to higher quality health care for patients, with less complications and better cure outcomes.
Our stakeholders in undertaking this work include our project partners, industry bodies, professional associations, health technology vendors, hospital departments (here and overseas), patients, donors and volunteers.
Our Team
Our website was developed by Dr Lyn Oliver AM PhD MSc FACPSEM FAIP.
Website editorial and advisory staff include A/Professor Joerg Lehmann, Dr Jack Jellins and Ms Anna Ralston..
The Better Healthcare Technology Foundation Board overseas the work of the Foundation, meeting every 2 months. It is composed of current or retired leaders in the fields of medical physics in ANZ and receives governance and administrative support from the Australasian College of Physical Sciences and Engineering in Medicine (ACPSEM).
Scope of Work
The Foundation’s initiatives are focused on the application of physics, engineering and associated sciences for hospital patient care in two separate regions : 1) Australia and New Zealand; and 2) the Asia-Pacific.
In Australia and New Zealand, the Foundation supports innovative technology projects and activities that benefit the patient experience - from supporting the adoption of new diagnostic or therapeutic practices in hospitals or treatment clinics, through to promoting and supporting specific research and development projects. It undertakes advocacy work, project coordination, patient communications initiatives and professional collaboration activity via this website and in partnership with industry and academia.
In the Asia-Pacific the Foundation supports clinical departments in Asia-Pacific (A-Pac) hospitals who have received modern or updated medical equipment and need expert assistance to support their local hospital staff. It undertakes this work through the Asia-Pacific Special Interest Group (APSIG). The APSIG scheme provides voluntary Australian and New Zealand imaging or radiation oncology medical physics experts to visit these hospitals during the initial installation period to help install and set up equipment and train local radiotherapy staff.
You can read more about APSIG and its work here .

Foundation initiatives
The Foundation seeks to widen better healthcare technology activities for clinical research and development as its funds and capabilities grow.
The foundation will support, independently or collaboratively, health initiatives that:
– help establish an up-to-date standard of better healthcare technology in the Asia-Pacific region;
– improves patient’s standard of care, well-being and successful treatment outcome with better technology, techniques, and practices;
– reduces the incidence of complications, errors; and
– achieves a better understanding of the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases in medicine.
Health Innovation and Quality
We seek collaborative arrangements between researchers and providers to work on innovative projects that promote 'tomorrows healthcare techniques today'. We encourage and support open outward and forward thinking in all areas of engineering, sciences and physics-based applications in medicine.
Best Patient Care
We support projects that lead to higher quality healthcare, with less complications and better cure outcomes for patients.
We aim to have sufficient funding and administration support to undertake our Foundation activities with diversified income streams. The sustainability of our impact will be regularly assessed from project appraisals and performance reviews.
Chosen projects will facilitate real and measurable benefit (access, safety and quality of healthcare) to organisations and patients in Australia/New Zealand and Asia-Pacific.
We will build and maintain a high profile within our areas of operation by developing active, strong and strategic links with other key groups.
We aim to acknowledge and reward achievements of excellence in innovations utilising physics, engineering and sciences in medicine and support projects that match our values and mission.
We will work with partners to improve patient awareness and familiarity of available technology that can Borden healthcare access and deliver higher quality of patient care.
We aim to increase Government awareness of the value of working with the Foundation by having ready PESM expertise available to support projects and initiatives that improve quality and safety in healthcare.
Working with Stakeholders and Partners
The Foundation will establish and maintain a mutually beneficial relationship with partners to help assure on-going funding, including:
- Commercial sponsors;
- ACPSEM member contributions;
- Vendors and health technology organisations; and
- Patient advocacy groups across Australia and New Zealand.
The Foundation will be promoted in a manner that stakeholders shall view as a worthy cause and sufficiently attractive to be an active supporter and member. Actions to ensure that this will be achieved would include building:
- greater collaboration with medical colleges and other allied health bodies and hospital departments, local and international;
- a well developed network to identify and support volunteers;
- hospital staff support for training in the newest technologies, protocols and skills;
- an efficient information pipeline to donors and volunteers with progress of projects and other activities; and
- an easy means of access to engage and communicate with the public and stakeholders.
How you can support us
You can make a donation to the Foundation to support its work here:
The Foundation is a registered charity so all donations to the Foundation from Australian citizens are tax-deductible.
You can subscribe to our website journal and comment on and provide feedback on the information provided. We also welcome your contributions to our site content. We aim to establish an open and free platform for knowledge, information access and treatment experience-sharing.
If you are a certified Medical Physicist you can consider becoming a volunteer to assist us on one of our special radiotherapy support projects – either here in Australia or overseas within our Asia-Pacific region.
You can also become involved in our fundraising activities and help support our cause at your community or workplace.
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Articles and news of interest is continually updated or revised to keep subscribers up-to-date with healthcare technology improvements.
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