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Information for Health Professional Awards
Information to submit an award application or nomination (such as eligibility, criteria and requirements for submission), and to download any of the forms, go to the bottom of this page.
ACPSEM Distinguished Service Award
This award acknowledges a member who has made an outstanding contribution to the College, generally over many years. The award was established in 2001.
Nomination by any Fellow or Ordinary member of the ACPSEM- one award given each year. (For information on proposers' nomination requirements please see form below).
Decision: The winner will be determined by the ACPSEM Board of Directors.
Previous winners include: John Coles, Lee Collins, John Heggie, John Drew, Robert Fitchew, Lyn Oliver, Ian Smith, Howell Round, Tomas Kron, Eva Bezak, Ian (Donald) McLean, Sean Geoghegan and Richard Dove
Award: Medal plus certificate.
David Robinson Innovation Award
This Award commemorates David Robinson AM, ACPSEM President 1986 -1987, an engineer who pioneered work in the field of diagnostic ultrasound.
This annual awarded is to assist a member, of any grade, to attend the EPSM conference to present a paper detailing innovative work related to diagnostic imaging or biomedical engineering.
Award: $1200 plus a certificate
Funder: ACPSEM.
Decision: The decision will be made by the ACPSEM Awards Committee.
To see information on previous Award winners since 2018, click ►here.
Richard Bates Travel Award
This scholarship honours the College's third President, Richard Bates, who was Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch. His particular expertise was in the field of signal and image processing, and he supervised more than 50 masters and doctoral students, many of whom are current College members.
The scholarship is awarded to assist a physical scientist or engineer to undertake a period of study or carry out a research project overseas. The scholarship is awarded to members whose projects are perceived to be of broad benefit to the College or the profession of physical and engineering sciences in medicine. The intent of this award is to advance research in medical physics or biomedical engineering.
Prize: The maximum value of the Scholarship is $5000.
Funder: ACPSEM.
Determination: The decision will be made by the ACPSEM Awards Panel.
To see information on previous Award winners since 2018, click ►here.
Boyce Worthley Young Achiever Award
This prize honours one of the founding members of the College, Boyce Worthley, who was a senior physicist with the Anti-Cancer Foundation, Adelaide. He became the College's first Life Member. This prize is awarded to a younger member of the College for a significant contribution to the profession of physical and engineering sciences in medicine, generally with several publications in refereed journals as a primary author.
Prize: full cover of registration, travel and accommodation to the next College's annual conference as an invited speaker. The intent of this award is to recognise achievement for outstanding work and to encourage such members to stay in the profession.
Funder: ACPSEM.
All fellows, members and associate members of the ACPSEM shall be entitled to nominate persons for the award.
Decision: The decision will be made by the ACPSEM Awards Panel
Past Recipients: Wendy Harriss-Phillips, Phillip Bones, Lorraine Holley, Marienne Hibbert, Dale Bailey, Richard Jones, Peter Metcalfe, Aina Puce, Geoff Tansley, Richard Fright, Steven Meikle, Tomas Kron, Peter Hoban, Martin Ebert, Paul Keall, Martin Butson, Lois Holloway, Lisa Duggan, Loredana Marcu, Zoe Brady, Michael Taylor, Kathy Willowson and Nick Hardcastle.
To see information on previous Award winners since 2018, click ►here.
This prize is awarded for the best PhD thesis in Physical and Engineering Sciences with relevance for medicine.
Postgraduate students will have been awarded their PhD at an Australian or New Zealand university from 1st January previous year to 30 June, the current year. Key criteria include clinical relevance, scientific merit and publications capacity.
Award: $500 plus certificate
Funder: Generously donated by distinguished radiotherapy physicist, Professor Tomas Kron,
Decision: The decision will be made by the ACPSEM Awards Panel.
To see information on previous Award winners since 2018, click ►here.
Kenneth Clarke Journal Award
This prize honours Kenneth Clarke, founding editor of the Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine Journal.
The prize is to be awarded annually for the best paper on original work published in the Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine authored by a member of the ACPSEM.
Prize: $500 plus a certificate
Funding: ACPSEM
Decision: The Journal Editor makes the selection with the assistance of the Associate Editors. The decision will be made by the ACPSEM Journal Editorial Board.
To see information on previous Award winners since 2018, click ►here.
BHT Foundation Clinical Leadership Award
(in honour of Vera Page Last)
The Better Healthcare Technology (BHT) Foundation Clinical Leadership Award has been established in honour of Vera Page Last. Vera worked as a medical physicist clinician in New South Wales Radiation Oncology departments for several decades and was renowned for her dedication and diligence in patient care, and for introducing multiple new techniques and technologies for clinical benefit. A more complete biography of Vera can be found ► here.
Through this award, the BHT Foundation recognises the often unheralded development work undertaken by medical physicists in the clinical setting which substantially benefits patients. Such work ultimately enables the safe and effective introduction of better healthcare technologies and promotes the work of clinical medical physicists. This work can be difficult to undertake depending on relevant opportunity, which can be impacted by substantial routine workloads, limitations in support for research activity, remote and rural working locations and external influences such as carer responsibilities and the impact of past discriminatory practices.
The BHT Foundation Clinical Leadership Award in honour of Vera Last was created to provide due recognition for the improvement of patient care within the bounds of economic, resource and social constraints. The award is made through nomination for those responsible for a specific clinically-based “activity”.
- The award will be made annually, provided financial support is available.
- The award constitutes a certificate and cash amount, reviewed annually.
- Nominations can be made by anyone, and self-nomination is allowed.
- The awardee(s) will be listed on the ACPSEM and BHT Foundation websites, and notifications of the award may be placed in affiliated newsletters and other digital media
- Nominations will be assessed by an Award Panel formed by the BHT Board and which can include co-opted non-board representatives.
- The award may be made for more than one nomination in any year, or need not be awarded at all, at the discretion of the award committee.
The accompanying Award Applicant Information Sheet contains information about eligibility, assessment criteria for judging panel and how to apply . Please read and review this before commencing your application via the Nomination Form.
Download the Award Nomination Form here.
Obligation of Award Winners
Successful award winner(s) will be contacted by the BHT Foundation. There's an expectation that upon acceptance of the winning prize, the award winner will commit to writing an article describing their winning project/activity for publication on the www.betterhealthcaretechnology.org website within 3 months of receiving their award.
The article can be sourced from the content provided in the award nomination. Winning parties can liaise with the BHT Foundation webmaster (or their agent) regarding final length and style of this article. All required accreditations and content / image copyright acknowledgement will be provided to the prize winners as the sole article authors for this content.
For further information or applicant queries about this award please contact:
Information to submit an award application or nomination (such as eligibility, criteria and requirements for submission) are detailed below. To download the forms, go to the bottom of this page.
To read about our recent Award winners, click on:
Award Information and Annual Timetable

Award Submissions and Nominations
To download a copy, choose the award form below suitable for your submission or nomination.
ACPSEM Member Services Award
ACPSEM Scientific Awards
David Robinson Innovation Award
Boyce Worthley Early Career Award
Clinical Leadership Award (Vera Page Last)

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