Our 2020 Fun-Run has concluded. We had a great response – with over 20 teams and individuals undertaking some challenging and inspiring journeys. The participants created lots of memorable GPS artworks whilst they cycled, walked, ran (and even kayaked) all over the countryside – all in support of APSIG.
Congratulations to our 2 category winning entries.
Our Over 9km category winners were Peta Lonski and Tomas Kron from the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne, who carved out an impressive celebration of Melbourne during lockdown for their winning entry.
In the Under 9K category, the FunRun prize was awarded to Max Hanlon and his colleagues at Team Quality Melbourne, who travelled out an “APSIG” across Fitzroy Gardens to help raise funds for our Asia-Pacific RT support charity.

The winner of the Instagram people’s choice award was the Sir Charles Gairdner Radiation Oncology team and their penguin chase through Kings Park in Perth , WA.
You can browse all the entries received in both our Fun Run 2020 categories here:
9-k-and-over-trip-cateogry- up-to-9-K-category-Thanks to all our participants and supporters who got behind our successful 2020 APSIG FunRun fundraising initiative.