There are several ways to become involved in APSIG activities, including:
- Fundraising
- Making a donation
- Supporting a training project or capacity building in a specific country
- Hosting overseas staff in your clinic
- Volunteering in the Asia-Pacific region
- Donating equipment such as patient set up devices and dosimetry tools
- Become a member of APSIG – to receive regular news updates about our activities, and learn about upcoming volunteering opportunities! (Simply send us an email via the address below – joining is absolutely free)
All enquiries can be directed to apsig@acpsem.org.au
Fundraising or making a donation
To date, APSIG supporters have organised and participated in charitable fun runs, trivia nights, silent auctions and other events, raising over $60,000.
All funds raised have been directed towards capacity building initiatives. You can donate on this page or talk to us about setting up your own fundraising campaign. You can also choose to direct your support to a specific campaign or initiative and we can tailor a program to meet specific goals. Please contact apsig@acpsem.org.au for more information.
Hosting overseas staff in your clinic
A number of schemes are available to physicists in the Asia-Pacific region to enable training and educational visits to hospitals in Australia and New Zealand.
These schemes are highly valued by our overseas colleagues, and provide opportunities in training, skill building and research. These schemes include:
- IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) fellowships and scientific visits
The IAEA Technical Cooperation Department awards fellowships and scientific visit grants, either as part of a technical cooperation project, or on an individual basis. Fellowships are normally awarded for periods of up to one year, mainly for project-oriented on-the-job training. Scientific visits cannot exceed two weeks and are awarded to broaden the scientific or managerial qualifications of healthcare specialists in low to middle income countries.
- UICC (International Union Against Cancer)
UICC funds 1-3 month international cancer technology transfer fellowships (ICRETT), for research and clinical training.
If your department is interested in hosting visiting physicists from the Asia-Pacific region, please complete and return the form to apsig@acpsem.org.au
Volunteering in the Asia-Pacific region
Living and working in a low to middle income country can be immensely rewarding and provides a unique opportunity to establishing improvements in the local healthcare. Volunteering broadens your work experience by exposing you to different challenges to those faced in your regular work environment.
The Department of Foreign Affairs fund the Australian Volunteers program, placing skilled volunteers in low to middle income countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
Assignments can be from 3 – 12 months and provide funds for travel and living expenses. Volunteers work with local counterparts to achieve sustainable development through skills exchange and institutional strengthening. Assignment proposals are developed through collaboration between the host institution (where the placement will occur) and APSIG. For more information, click here
or contact
APSIG’s philosophy is to foster strong personal relationships between our volunteers and the local staff in the participating hospitals, which is only possible with repeat visits and provision of remote mentoring between visits. We do not provide a “fly in fly out service” and our volunteers do not carry out any clinical work themselves. Instead they work with local staff to help them establish sustainable work practices to achieve their goals of providing high quality medical care for cancer patients.

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