Entries have now closed for 2021. You can view all the final submissions in their categories at the competition gallery.
You can also vote for your favorite ARSENIC submission across the different categories – ‘The People’s Choice Award’ – by clicking here.
Welcome to ARSENIC, our exciting new art prize initiative. (Our name stands for: ‘ARt in Science & ENgineering In MediCine’). This event has evolved from the previous Photography in Medical Physics prize into a new expanded creative mix media art award.
Now (nearly) anything goes… Photos, drawings, painting, digital media submissions, sculpture, textile art – we’d love to showcase your creative expression! There’s even a special category which encompasses GPS recorded trip art – created by walking, cycling, swimming, rowing or other forms of self-propelled human movement.
T- Technical P - Professional A –Anything Else! + GPS journey art – your own map pattern of self-propelled human movement Each submission needs to be submitted as a digital file. The submitted image file name should contain the name of the artist, the category and the name of the image separated by spaces, e.g.: “VanGough_A_ComputerImage-MyEar.jpg” (for categories P, T and A); or “UBolt_GPS_GroceryRun-a.jpg and UBolt_GPS_GroceryRun-b.jpg” for the map and photo from any GPS art. Image submission: - In digital format via the upload facility on the Competition webpage. Image type: JPEG file preferred Image size: As large as you wish (you don’t have to compromise on detail with pixel loss) Timing: Deadline for submission is October 24, 2021. Selected images may be displayed at EPSM, published on the Competition/ACPSEM/Foundation websites, their newsletters, related social media posts and in other publications. Participants agree for their images to be used as part of their submission. We will do our best to always provide image credit. We will potentially request selected images for promotional use (e.g. a fundraising calendar) . If you wish to not have your image included, please advise so with an email at the time of image submission. Submission is open to practicing or aspiring members of an ACPSEM-affiliated profession, and also any of their professional colleagues working in the general field of medical science. (For participants submitting GPS travel-art entries, family members and friends of any status can accompany the participant on their journey and can be considered as part of their entry.) Each person may submit up to five entries in total and specify a category for each image in the file name as described above (The judges reserve the right to change the suggested category if needed). Copyright for all submitted images remains with you, the artist. By submitting an image you grant the organizers a non-exclusive license to publicly show your image(s) printed or in electronic form as described above. By submitting an image you also affirm that any people shown in the image have agreed to be there and are ok with the image being shown publicly and possibly being printed/sold. You further affirm that your image does not violate any copyright laws. In addition, submissions of artworks using patient medical images must include evidence that the patient has given consent for the artwork to be publicly exhibited. Equipment can and likely will be visible in many images. We ask that all vendor identifiable equipment is treated with respect (we love our vendors!). We also ask that the display of vendor names and logos in the images is kept to a minimum. What’s the Basics – How does it work?
Artwork Submission Categories
How to Submit your Work
Where and When to Submit your Work
Image Display and Use
Eligibility to Participate
Copyright and Permissions of Use
Additional Terms and Conditions
So grab your camera, brush, video, pallet, kiln, joggers, smartphone – get creative!