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This index lists up-to-date community information on medical technology and techniques. The list provides articles which offer a convenient means of knowledge exchange for patients, the public and students.

More articles will be added to this list as new material is posted for your information. It’s a work-in-progress list that will grow over time.

To access the article you wish to read, click on the highlighted title:

3D Printing for Radiotherapy

3D Printing: Part 1. A Technical Overview

3D Printing: Part 2. radiation imaging and therapy applications

3D Printing Customizable Phantoms: Part 3

3D dose prescribing for prostate therapy

A Cancer Patient’s Insight: Spinal Neck Surgery

A Cancer Patient’s Insight: Spinal Neck Radiation Therapy.

A Day in the Life of Australian Nuclear Medicine

An Introduction to Medical Ultrasound

A novel education approach to identify COVID-19 on lung CT

Biomarkers: key players in personalised radiotherapy

Breast Cancer Incidence

‘Cancer Goggles’ for Surgery

Cancer Treatment Update: Non-Thermal Irreversible Electroporation

Careers: Nuclear Medicine Physics

Chuan-Dong Wen wins AIIA National iAward

Deep Inspiration Breath Hold (DIBH) for Breast Cancer

Electroporation for Prostate Cancer – Early Clinical Trials

Foetal Ultrasound Imaging: A New Idea?

Long-axis Fieled-of-View PET

Machine learning and synthetic data in radiation oncology

Making Radiopharmaceuticals

Mallard MRI Story:

Making the human body transparent

The pathway to clinical imaging

Creating an NMR image from biological samples

My brush with fame

The 2003 Nobel Prize

Rekindling my ‘brush with fame’

IOMP Medal (2016) awarded to John Mallard for his MRI work


Medical Ultrasound Section

Megavoltage Linear Accelerator Treatment

More on ‘Cancer Goggles’ for Breast Cancer Surgery

# Model Linac

My 30-Year Professional Journey

New Policy: No Foetal and Gonadal Shielding for Radiological Examinations

Nuclear Medicine PET Scans: a beginner’s guide

Nuclear Medicine Therapy for Prostate Cancer

Nuclear Medicine Therapy of Advanced Prostate Cancer

Obituary for Professor John Mallard: The MRI Story

Paediatric chest phantom for CT: Keeping infant dose ALARA

Point of Care (PoCUS)

Prevention of Heart Restenosis

Prostate Brachytherapy

Prostate Cancer Overview

Radiation Protection of C-Arm Fluoroscopy

Radiotherapy: Basics and Complexities

Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer

Radiotherapy: X-Ray beam targeting

Radiotherapy: Basics and Complexities for lung cancer

Radiotherapy: new targeting techniques

SABR: A new force in local ablative cancer treatment?

SABR for treatment of ventricular tachycardia

Surgery for Prostate Cancer

The Birth of Ultrasound

Towards personalised radionuclide therapy by improving the spatial resolution of SPECT imaging for theranostic technique:   Part 1, The basics

Working – But Not at Work, ANGAU Hospital, PNG (1980 -2010)

What is Medical Ultrasound?

What is stereotactic radiotherapy?

X-Ray beam targeting for lung cancer


Better Healthcare Technology articles are meant to be of a scientific or technical nature and are not intended to provide medical advice. They are for information only.

If you have any health problems or questions related to your health, then please consult your doctor or medical specialist.

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