Our Vision: Access to better healthcare technology for everyone
The BHTF Website Journal Report
(2018 – 2022)
Dear supporters,
I am pleased to report that, at its meeting held on 20 February 2023, the Foundation Board Directors reviewed and approved my 4-year BHTF Website Journal report (November 2018 to December 2022).
I hope you will agree that, as well as providing ready access to a wide scope of professional detail, suitable for the groups of community and health professionals in Australia, New Zealand and the Asia-Pacific region, this report provides valuable performance indicators that help us assess just how successful the website is (e.g analysis of number viewed and their hit rate) in satisfying the Foundation’s mission.
Website Traffic: Brief Summary

and As a brief 2018 – 2022 summary, the BHTF website journal published 227 pages, posted 70 blogs, announced 24 ACPSEM/BHTF Award winners and 33 authors submitted 76 high quality articles of basic, mid and advanced (levels 1 – 3) information for our 6,677 Australian audience views and others who may originate from over 100 different countries.

Website Author Winners
Just as the Foundation announces ACPSEM and BHTF academic winners, there are also contained in this report different types of winners such as, authors who submitted articles that have attracted:
- the ‘most number of visits’ (signifying a long-standing popular topic); or
- the highest hit-rate (signifying a ‘hot’ topic for viewers).
To read the full report, click on:
▶︎▶︎ BHTF Website Journal Report (2018 – 2022).
Consolidating the BHTF Website Journal
The Foundation’s website will in future be referred to as the BHTF Website Journal and, as previously stated, supports medical physicists, biomedical engineers and associated medical scientists working on medical technology projects, R&D and the development of knowledge exchange sources, suitable for everyone’s level of interest and knowledge capacity.
Our work will in particular focus on supporting future generation researchers developing better healthcare technology for our next generation patients – making tomorrow’s medical technology today!
As the Foundation consolidates and moves towards a more sustainable next 5-year, Phase II fund support level (see: Foundation progress 2017 – 22), the BHTF Website Journal will play a vital role.
It needs a united commitment from a wide range of donors to fund the website journal and administration. Last year’s +55% increased donor participation was a fantastic outcome for 2022. And whilst we hope that support continues to grow, the Foundation will be seeking similar fund support from corporate, university and grant organisations.
By collectively investing and participating in the Better Healthcare Technology Foundation, it will become sustainable for everyone to benefit.
My Concluding Remarks
As indicated in the website traffic statistics, there’s a capacity to make ready access to ‘whitepaper’ articles (basic, mid or advanced) covering research, ongoing developments, basic education, training guidelines, knowledge exchange and multidisciplinary collaborative initiatives.
The website aims to become a digitally referenced site with accredited international recognition and be available to everyone (from the least advantaged to the most leading healthcare centres) located anywhere in the world.
Thank you again for your past support and I wish you all the best for the future.
Yours sincerely,
Board Director, ACPSEM Foundation Ltd
(known also, as Better Healthcare Technology Foundation)
Website Journal Editor, Better Healthcare Technology Foundation