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Professor Dale Bailey BAppSc(Hons) MAppSc PhD FACPSEM FIPEM MRCP(Lond.) CSci(UK)
(Foundation Board Chair)
Principal Medical Physics Specialist (Nuclear Medicine), Department of Nuclear Medicine, Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards NSW
Professor of Medical Imaging Science, Faculty of Medicine & Health, University of Sydney, Sydney NSW
Director, Sydney Vital Translation Cancer Research Centre, Royal North Shore Hospital and Northern Precinct, Faculty of Medicine & Health, University of Sydney, Sydney NSW
Dale has over 35 years’ experience working in the field of nuclear medicine medical physics in Australia, the UK and USA. His main theme has been improving the accuracy of quantitative 3D imaging measurements of radioisotopes as they distribute throughout out the body to diagnose various diseases and disorders and monitor response to therapy. He currently works at Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney as well as being Professor of Medical Imaging Science in the Faculty of Medicine & Health at the University of Sydney. He is passionate about developing more personalised approaches to managing a range of disorders, in particular, rarer cancers. Dale has also served as President of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine.

Assoc. Prof. Ivan Williams PhD MSc MACPSEM
Head of the Medical Radiation
Service Branch and Chief Medical Radiation Scientist,
The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA).
Ivan is the Head of the Medical Radiation Service Branch and Chief Medical Radiation Scientist within the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA). Ivan trained as a Medical Physicist at PeterMac in Melbourne and worked in Ireland at St Luke’s Radiation Oncology Network prior to return to Australia as the inaugural Director of the Australian Clinical Dosimetry Service. Ivan believes that Medical Physics, as with all scientific and technical disciplines, is in the midst of revolutionary changes, underpinned by fundamental increases in every aspect of digital technology. The Foundation has a role to play in assisting medical professionals and the public to understand what is happening in the field and how together, we can positively affect patient outcomes.

Mr Simon Downes
Chief Medical Physicist,
Nelune Comprehensive Cancer Centre,
The Prince of Wales Hospital,
Randwick, NSW
Simon Downes has worked at the Nelune Comprehensive Cancer Centre at Prince of Wales Hospital for the last 11 years as Chief Medical Physicist. Previous appointments were in radiotherapy physics at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and the Mater Hospitals in Sydney and two years in the Netherlands working for a major radiotherapy vendor. Simon has served for 10 years as an examiner for the ACPSEM Radiation Oncology Certification Panel and chairperson of ACPSEM’s Asia-Pacific Special Interest Group for the last 8 years. As APSIG Chair, Simon has coordinated voluntary professional aid to provide up-to-date training and education of modern equipment in radiotherapy centres located in many different South East Asia Pacific Countries.

Mr Ben Hug BSc (Hons) MPhil MACPSEM QMPS
Principal Medical Physicist
5D Clinics
Claremont, Western Australia
Ben has worked as a clinical Radiation Oncology Medical Physicist since 2012 in public health at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and (more recently) private practice at 5D Clinics. Ben was a founding member of the 5D Clinics team who exclusively use the Accuray CyberKnife® treatment system which is Australia’s only dedicated stereotactic cranial and body radiation therapy treatment facility. Having grown up in the Western Australian country region, Ben is a passionate scientist keen to promote the scientific profession and to develop better use of advanced technologies in healthcare – particularly throughout rural Australia to ensure all patients may receive the best possible care, irrespective of postcode. Having had the privilege of highly experienced and knowledgeable mentors throughout his training, Ben is determined to return the favour by passing on his knowledge and expertise to others. In so doing, help improve the quality of care and clinical benefits that all patients receive using modern and future emerging technologies.

Retired Medical Physicist
Dr Oliver is a retired medical physicist who accrued 50-years of experience working in physics, engineering, and biological science aspects applied to medicine. He was Director of Medical Physics, Northern Cancer Services for 20 years at Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney. Dr Oliver spent a considerable amount of his working life involved in providing and developing new innovative treatment techniques for cancer patients to reduce treatment complications and better cure outcome. Dr Oliver helped to establish joint research and development between hospitals and universities bringing new technologies for patient health care. He also provided advice to affiliated health professionals including the Department of Health and Ageing and the Government’s Health Minister of the day. For all this, he was awarded Member, The Order of Australia.

ARC Laureate Professor David McAlpine BSC (UWA); DPhil (OXON.), GAICD
Academic Director,
Professor of Hearing, Language, and the Brain,
Macquarie University
David McAlpine is recognized as an international leading researcher in auditory science, with a record of regular publication in high impact journals, and a passion for collaborating across discipline and organizational boundaries. Educated at the University of Western Australia, and Oxford, his main research focus has been on how the listening brain makes sense of our complex sound environments in health and disease. As inaugural Director of the UCL Ear Institute from 2006-2015, he developed the Institute into a world-class centre for education, discovery science, and clinical-translational research. Inspired by Macquarie University’s vision for the Australian Hearing Hub, he moved to Macquarie University in 2015 as Professor of Hearing, Language, and the Brain. Awarded an ARC Laureate Fellowship in 2016 to explore brain mechanisms of spatial hearing, he is currently the Academic Director of ‘Macquarie University Hearing’—a university-wide initiative that aims to solve some of the big problems in hearing and deafness and to transform hearing health for all.

Ms Jayne Senior BSc (Hons.), MSc (Bham. & Cran.) GAICD, PgDip Mktg.
Strategic Global Markets,
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO),
Sydney, Australia
Jayne is Director – Strategic Global Markets for the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) based in Sydney, Australia. Jayne completed Honours and Master’s degrees in Science in the UK, together with a short period in research. She then moved into business there before working in Singapore and then Australia, where she has held senior positions in various companies operating across several industries and countries, including those operating in highly regulated industries such as pharmaceuticals and food. At ANSTO, Jayne has been involved in nuclear medicine sales, marketing and production, giving her insight into the benefits the Foundation and ACPSEM can play in the industry. Jayne has been a director of several Not for Profit organisations and is currently also a director of Arthritis New South Wales.