The Vision: What we aspire to achieve in the future:
Access to better healthcare technology for everyone
Your support
This campaign is to support charitable better healthcare technology activities that progress to self-sustaining in the years to come.
Please consider becoming involved in our Foundation’s campaign. You can support by giving a tax-deductible donation and/or becoming involved in the ‘Campaign Fact Sheet’ initiatives.
To obtain maximum funding support from the community and corporate organisations, we need a united strength of commitment in the Foundation’s activities.
By collectively investing and participating in our internationally owned brand name: Better Healthcare Technology, many benefits will flow from this for everyone.
Your donation:
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Your campaign investment would be very much appreciated.
For those who have already donated this year, we greatly appreciate your on-going regular support and involvement.
Thank you and take care.
Yours sincerely,

Editor, Better Healthcare Technology website
14 June 2022

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Building a stronger, more sustainable charitable organisation
for Better Healthcare Technology
Campaign Fact Sheet
The ACPSEM Foundation Limited (trading as Better Healthcare Technology Foundation) aims to support research and development initiatives in physics, engineering and associated sciences in medicine that maximise the potential of new or existing technology to provide higher quality, safe healthcare techniques and better outcomes for patients and their communities.
The Foundation has already developed a website, with relevant medical technology information. Articles primarily contributed are by our ACPSEM Award winners and other invited experts in the field. for cancer patients in the one ‘Cancer Care Technology’ location.
The ACPSEM Foundation Ltd (the Foundation) is a not-for-profit entity registered under the Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) and trades as Better Healthcare Technology Foundation. The ACPSEM is the peak professional body representing the practice and services in healthcare physical science, biomedical engineering and radiopharmaceutical science in medicine. A large proportion of the ACPSEM professional expertise is provided as a technical and scientific support enabling services for cancer diagnosis, treatment, research and development. Their expertise is important in overseeing the technology used extensively for treating cancer patients.
The Foundation has completed a 5-year Phase I stage since its inception in 2017. It is now able to launch into Phase II to consolidate outcomes, implement worthy projects and to seek your support to make it possible in a reasonable timeframe.
The Foundation Board has approved the following projects for this campaign:
1. Cancer patient access to medical technology information – pilot project
Easier access to patient friendly technical and scientific information on cancer treatment would support patients and their family in making more informed decisions about the medical treatment options and would hopefully reduce their anxiety about deciding on the technology proposed for their treatment.
Lessons learnt from the pilot project would lead to projects being undertaken with patients and their support groups for other common cancers such as breast and lung cases. Rare cancer innovative technology cases would be added as they arise.
In addition to your fund support, the Foundation is actively searching for philanthropic support for this project.
2. Research and Development: Topical Lecture Series
For research and development: the aim is to provide a “bigger picture” that widens the health professional’s horizons on what is happening in innovative science and technology.
For patients information access: The Foundation has already developed a website, with relevant medical technology information for cancer patients in the one ‘Cancer Care Technology’ location. The articles provide an unbiased viewpoint written by experts in the field of healthcare technology.
The Foundation is now looking to working collaboratively with patient support groups to better understand patient technical information needs and to make the website information more accessible to patients, by building on existing patient information initiatives.
For research and development: Members of the Foundation’s Research and Development Committee have established a quarterly Topical Lecture Series. It’s to help support mainstream medical physicists and biomedical engineers, in R&D activities, to collaborate with other disciplines.
All meetings are held by Zoom of 1 hr duration including Q&A. The recorded webinars are available on the Better Healthcare Technology website for on-demand viewing at any future time.
Prostate cancer patients and their families can:
- have more comprehensive, readily accessible information about the health technology used for their proposed treatment in a manner they can understand;
- make more informed decisions about the medical treatment options;
- reduce their anxiety about the use of the equipment and method proposed for the treatment.
Research and Development
Through the use of the Better Healthcare Technology website, ACPSEM Foundation intends to offer pilot research grants from charitable income.
The four topical lectures per year are intended to have broad appeal that may, in particular, help foster cross-disciplinary collaborations.
The Foundation is seeking to obtain sufficient fund support to be able to offer pilot research grants from its charitable income. The grant would be available to multidisciplinary teams, thereby further encouraging the broadening of college member involvement to a wider scope.
More information
‘Progress of ACPSEM Foundation Ltd since inception(2017)’.