Your donation will be used for the sole purpose of achieving the Foundation’s mission to promote (a) research and development in the medical physics, engineering and associated sciences; and (b) the safe and appropriate use of medical technology for the benefit of patients in Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific region.

Better Healthcare Technology Foundation is a registered charity and your donation is tax deductible.

I would like my donation(s) be used to support:

The Foundation

The Foundation

The ACPSEM Foundation Limited trades as the Better Healthcare Technology Foundation.

The Foundation’s initiatives are focused on the application of physics, engineering and associated sciences for hospital patient care in two separate regions :

  1.  Australia and New Zealand; and
  2. Asia-Pacific where expert assistance is required.

For more information, read Foundation Operations

Your Donation

Your donation will be used to support funding the Foundation's work in Australia - New Zealand initiatives or Asia - Pacific assignments as approved by the Better Healthcare Technology Board.

Donations are approved tax deductions.

Better Healthcare Technology seek support to help find, assist and encourage the next generation of healthcare leaders.

The scholarship funds the costs of the recipient candidate to travel to and work within either an international or national Centre of Excellence research unit for a significant time period. This is to bolster their clinical and research knowledge in their specialist field and bring back these advanced skills and refined collaborative ideas.


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Welcome to APSIG – the Foundation’s Asia-Pacific-Special-Interest-Group. APSIG was established in 2009 by the Australasian College of Physical Scientists & Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM).

APSIG works to increase the patient-care capacity of radiotherapy services in under-resourced countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

APSIG activities include organising overseas volunteer medical physicist assignments, training and mentoring local radiotherapy staff in low-to-middle-income countries in the region (either on-ground or via remote support), and facilitating visits of Asia-Pacific medical physicists to Australia and New Zealand for conferences and hospital training.........Read More

Asia Pacific Special Interest Group (APSIG) fundraising activities have been managed and delivered by local APSIG Committee members and have been carried out by APSIG ambassadors and supporters throughout Australia. Their efforts have raised more than $100,000 over the last 10 years to support the work of APSIG volunteers and special projects. Previous fundraising highlights have included Trivia Nights, Recycling Drives, Sponsored Endurance Walks, Fitness Challenges, Bake-offs, Red Carpet Balls and the ever-popular APSIG Annual Fun-Run.......Read More

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