The ACPSEM Foundation Limited trades as the Better Healthcare Technology Foundation.
The Foundation’s research and development initiatives are focused on the application of physics, engineering and associated sciences for hospital patient care in two separate regions :
- Australia and New Zealand; and
- Asia-Pacific where expert assistance is required.
and the safe and appropriate use of medical technology
Australia – New Zealand Region
The Foundation supports leading, innovative activities applied to diagnostic and therapeutic techniques or technology that directly benefit patients in Australian, New Zealand and Asia-Pacific hospitals.
Cancer care and methods of diagnostic imaging are presently major areas of activity but, as the Foundation grows in fund capabilities, it would seek to widen activities to all other needy clinical research and development using physics, engineering and science expertise combined with the new technology of the day.
The Foundation’s aim is to create ‘tomorrow’s techniques from innovative work carried out today’
The goal is to achieve outcomes that provide significant improvement and real, measurable benefits for patients and the healthcare organisation.
It would result in improved access to better healthcare technology with higher quality and safety standards for patient treatments.

The rewards in creating ‘Tomorrow’s TechniquesToday’ are:
- To implement significant improvements with real and measurable benefits (such as access, safety, quality and outcome) received by patients and healthcare organisations;
- Establish a high, positive profile of the Foundation’s activities;
- Develop an active, strong and strategic link with other allied groups;
- Acknowledge and reward excellence in areas and projects that match the Foundation’s values;
- Improve patient awareness and their familiarity of available technology that can be expected to give better access and quality of care;
- Increase government awareness of the value in working with the Foundation by utilising ready access to Better-Healthcare-Technology expertise that leads to improved quality and safety in healthcare.
Asia-Pacific Region
The Foundation supports clinical departments in Asia-Pacific (APac) hospitals who have received new, modern medical equipment and need expert assistance to support their local hospital staff. The scheme provides voluntary Australian and New Zealand imaging or radiation oncology medical physics experts to visit these hospitals during the initial installation period or as a special assessment project.

The Foundation funds these voluntary schemes to:
- visit Asia-Pacific hospitals and help local hospital staff to install modern new technology equipment and techniques;
- train Asia-Pacific hospital staff in the new techniques and;
- provide on-going remote advisory support;
A recent APSIG assignment to Cambodia is depicted below:

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