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Other Health Organisations


Australian Cancer Research Foundation Image X Institute, The University of Sydney – ACRF Image X Institute

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation – ANSTO

Biomedical Engineering, UNSW – Tyree Foundation Institute of Health Engineering

National Imaging Network – National Imaging Facility

Translational Research Infrastructure – Therapeutic Innovation Australia



Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine – ACPSEM

Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine – ANZSNM

American Association of Physicists in Medicine – AAPM

Biomedical College, Engineers AustraliaBMCE

Canadian Organisation of Medical Physicists – COMP

European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics – EFOMP

Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine – IPEM



Asia-Oceania Federation of Organizations for Medical PhysicsAFOMP

IBUS incorporating the IBUS Breast Imaging School IBUS

International Federation for Medical and Biomedical Engineering – IFMBE

International Organization for Medical PhysicsIOMP

International Union of Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine – IUPESM

Medical Physics for World BenefitMPWB


Topics of Interest

COVID-19 (Prof.)

A novel education approach to identify COVID-19 on lung CT

COVID-19 pandemic planning: considerations for radiation oncology medical physics

Running a Radiation Oncology Department at the Time of Coronavirus: An Italian Experience

Telehealth Monitoring for COVID-19(youtube)

Medical Imaging

National Imaging Network – National Imaging Facility

New Policy: No Foetal and Gonadal Shielding for Radiological Examinations

Medical Ultrasound – National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering:

Open Forums

Python software – open library for Medical Physics

MIRSIG – Medical Image Registration

Deforming to Best Practice: Key considerations for deformable image registration in radiotherapy

Image Registration in Medical Imaging – A/Prof C Studholme, Univ. of Washington

Report of the AAPM Radiation Therapy Committee Task Group No. 132

Rigid deformable image registration practice pattern: Australasian results


Adaptive and Tracking 

Ventricular Tachycardia


  1. RANZCR: Guidelines for Safe Practice of SABR
  2. ASTRO: Guidelines for Safe Practice of SABR
  3. Stereotactic Interest Group of Australasia: SABR


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